#NextMileStone Tour

Hey everyone, I hope y'all are having a good week so far. With South by behind us its time to look back at all the cool things that took place this year. This SXSW was full of Instameets and photowalks. Organized by several groups and Individuals. The team and I even hosted one for IGAustin Texas, but we'll cover that in a later blog. 

This blog post revolves on my experience at the #NextMileStone tour. Organized by Street Dreams Magazine and Honda. Street Dreams Mag is a quarterly publication and full service content studio. They focus on building community. By showcasing the talents of photographers from across the globe. You can find this group of creatives working from New York City and Vancouver Canada. 


I had heard of this Mag for quite some time, but hadn't dug to much into it and these guys are killing it. They are pursuing their passions and reaching thousands of individuals with the same interest. Something that I admire and respect.


Austin was just one the stops the tour was making. Super stoked my city was on the list I made it a point to be off that day to be a able to attend this meet. The kick off point was on the intersection of Cesar Chaves and I-35. Concluding at the top of a parking garage, and of course there was some sweet Hondas there. The chosen route gave us the opportunity to get some city views by taking us on the Congress bridge. We circled back and headed downtown via the S. 1st bridge taking us back downtown. for some more urban shots. The whole meet was well planned out. There was staff assisting us as we traversed the city. Making sure everyone was being safe while shooting. The whole meet took close to about two hours. It was great to see a diverse crowed of people show up and just have a blast. I met some new peeps and chatted it up with some local community members. Folks were posing, free styling and the good vibes were just flowing. It always amazes me how photography along with the use of social media can bring out so many creatives. 


The whole meet was pretty rad. If y'all are interested in photography you should definitely check out Street Dream Mag. Those cats are just killing it. Much props and respect. I hope y’all enjoy the images. 

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