Hey Y’all! I hope you are all having a good week so far. Todays post covers the #Shipstameet taken place at the Battleship Texas State Historic Site. This Battleship named after our State has long been retired from service and now hangs out in the Houston Ship channel.
A few buddies and I decided to make the drive over to Houston and attended this meet on a ship. My first of its kind it was a nice experience. We were given a quick briefing over the ship and were taken on a tour that led us to the communications room and into the ammunitions compartment.
The staff even allowed us to stay after hours when the public had gone away. We navigated through narrow stair ways and emerged in different areas of the ship. After about an hour of exploration the ship was closed to the general public and we were given free reign to photograph and explore without having to worry about getting in the way of other folks on the ship.
We met a few locals from Houston and made new friends on the deck of the ship as everyone gathered for a group photo. With only a few hours of sun light left in the day we headed back to Houston and grabbed some tasty food and ended our day to Houston at Rice University. I had been wanting to visit the James Turrell “Twilight Epiphany” Skyscape. No one in the group had been and I’m glad I could share this unique experience with the homies. We didn't quite catch the sun set but non the less we still stood in awe as we were covered in that brilliant white light.
As the night came to an end we concluded our visit to the Skyspace when we found our selves being approached by two students whom were filming a presentation for a speech class assignment, asked some questions and hopefully helped the students get a good grade.
Well peeps I hope y'all enjoy the imagery created during our trip to the #Shipstameet.